Janubairamesh Bukya ZPTC Candidate of Adilabad District heartfully supports the Vote for Shivaji Jayanti movement, and congratulates CD Chavan for leading the campaign in this great mission. As a candidate for ZPTC, Bukya emphasizes the importance of celebrating the life and legacy of Shivaji on his birth anniversary.
Shivaji was a warrior king who fought for the freedom of his people and established a Maratha empire that lasted for centuries. His principles of equality, justice, and courage resonate with the people of Adilabad District and beyond. The Vote for Shivaji Jayanti movement is a way to honor his memory and inspire future generations to follow in his footsteps.
CD Chavan, the leader of the campaign, has been instrumental in spreading awareness about Shivaji’s life and achievements. His efforts have garnered support from people of all backgrounds, and he has inspired many to join the movement. Bukya recognizes Chavan’s contribution and encourages everyone to participate in the movement.
In conclusion, Janubairamesh Bukya ZPTC Candidate of Adilabad District urges everyone to support the Vote for Shivaji Jayanti movement and honor the legacy of Shivaji. By doing so, we can create a better society based on the principles of justice, equality, and courage.
Janubairamesh Bukya ZPTC Candidate of Adilabad District