Thank you Vivek Garu for Joining Vote for Shivaji Jayanti Event

Vivek Venkataswamy Garu, a prominent figure in the community, has recently shown his support for the Vote for Shivaji Jayanti campaign, and we cannot thank him enough for his contribution. The campaign aims to celebrate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, a prominent historical figure, by encouraging people to vote on this day. The event is a reminder of the great warrior’s contributions to India and his legacy of bravery and leadership.

Vivek Venkataswamy Garu’s support for this campaign is indicative of his dedication to preserving India’s rich cultural heritage. As a respected member of the community, his endorsement will undoubtedly inspire many others to join the cause and participate in the event.

This campaign is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and pay tribute to a great leader. We urge everyone to follow Vivek Venkataswamy Garu’s example and support the Vote for Shivaji Jayanti campaign.

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