Etela Rajender, BJP Party MLA, has attended the Chhatrapati Shivaji Campaign to vote for Shivaji Jayanti for National Holiday. As a public figure, his support to the campaign has further bolstered its cause. Shivaji Jayanti is a significant occasion for the Maratha community and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. The demand for it to be declared a national holiday has been a long-standing one, and Etala Rajender’s support is an acknowledgment of the importance of this demand. His attendance at the campaign has shown his commitment to the cause, and we thank him for his support.
In conclusion, Etala Rajender’s support for the Chhatrapati Shivaji Campaign is a step towards recognizing the contribution of Shivaji Maharaj to Indian history. His attendance at the campaign will inspire others to follow suit and support the cause. The demand for Shivaji Jayanti to be declared a national holiday is a just one, and we hope that this essay will encourage more people to support it.
Thank you Etala Rajender Garu for Supporting Campaign