CD Chavan has met with Shivasena party leader Telangana President Shinkaru shivaji to support Vote for shivaji jayanti campaign

CD Chavan’s meeting with Shivasena’s Telangana President, Shinkaru Shivaji, to extend his support for the “Vote for Shivaji Jayanti” campaign is a significant development. By endorsing the celebration of Shivaji Jayanti, Chavan contributes to the preservation of Shivaji’s legacy, fosters cultural unity, and empowers the people of Telangana. This endorsement serves as a powerful reminder of the historical importance of Shivaji’s contributions and encourages citizens to actively participate in preserving their cultural heritage. As we move forward, it is crucial for other influential figures to follow Chavan’s lead, ensuring that the celebration of Shivaji Jayanti continues to thrive and inspire generations to come.


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