CD Chavan met Sri Kishan Reddy Ji, BJP President of Telangana state

CD chavan met Sri Kishan Reddy, BJP President for telangana state

The meeting between CD Chavan and Sri Kishan Reddy aimed to discuss the campaign for Shivaji Jayanti, a festival celebrated in honor of the legendary Maratha warrior king, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Chavan’s dedication and efforts in organizing this campaign were acknowledged and appreciated by Kishan Reddy.

The campaign initiated by CD Chavan to promote and encourage votes for Shivaji Jayanti serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it showcases the importance of preserving and celebrating the rich cultural and historical heritage of India. Shivaji Maharaj is revered as a symbol of valor, courage, and leadership, and by organizing this campaign, Chavan aims to ignite a sense of pride and respect among the people of Telangana.


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